symposium TSANGA Color-Appropriation of Knowledge

Call for papers

International Conference

 Call for papers

3e colloque international des Rendez-vous du TSANGA




Organized within the framework of the "Rendez-vous du TSANGA"
"Transmissions of Knowledge and Numerical Appropriation of African Generations"


The organizing committee wishes to receive submissions for communication or participation to a workshop (Friday 10, 2-5pm) which address the theme of the conference from one of the following angles:

Abstract Submission Deadline : 

Submit your abstract of no more than 250 words (a reply to your proposal will reach you before 5 June)

The French language would be preferred but English is acceptable as well (slides in French please)


in  pdf version : call for papers

As part of the action research of the TSANGA project, all the presentations will be filmed and the visual aids of the project will have to be particularly accurate.  They will constitute for the multidisciplinary teams living in a country from the Global South participatory tools of work for the project and educational data for their students.


Contact  Information: Sylvie Grand’Eury-BuronErick Cakpo,

An invitation letter to facilitate your preparations for the conference will be sent upon request. Please note that sending this letter does not mean that you will receive financial support from us. Insofar as possible, we will ask for some support from the AUF for colleagues from countries in the Global South and we will financially support speakers who are not a member of a research laboratory or are retired researchers. In other cases, you should contact your university or other institutions to obtain a French visa or some financial support.
All participants to the Conference should have a valid health insurance. The organizers will not be in a position to take any responsibilities for medical care or any other health costs which individual participants may incur.


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