symposium TSANGA Color-Appropriation of Knowledge

Submission Form to be sent

Submission Form to be sent to Sylvie Grand’Eury-Buron  / imprimable Version

Name :                                                                                First Name :

Address : 

Phone number :                                                             Email :

Research laboratory :

[_] is not part of a laboratory    and / or              [_] colleague living in the country from the Global South                     

In the framework of the conference on oct 29>31, I would like to

[__] submit a presentation      and / or     [__] register as a participant

[__] I agree to be filmed during the conference

I will attend one of the workshops which addresses the topic of the conference under one of the following angles :




I will pay for the subscription fees (refreshments, 2 lunches, administrative fees) when I arrive :

[_]  euros as a member of a research laboratory

[_]  euros as a Phd student, a retired person or a colleague living in a country from the Global South

[_]  euros for students (please present your student card upon arrival)

[_] I will participate to the dinner on November, 9 at 7:30 pm and pay 27 euros per person


I am interested in the next « Rendez-vous du TSANGA » and / or in the following thematic :

(_) April 2018 Colours : Historical contexts of the misunderstandings and / or exploitation of « local signs » in « global »/ Exploitations, reappropriation of the conceptual representations to serve colonial stakes (MSH-Lorraine–METZ) 

(_) November 2018 : Colours and Aspects of the compounds in physical works, among which arts (sculpture, architecture, art) - Lieu ARTEM – Nancy 

(_) April 2019 Contemporary reappropriations (native or non-native) of the colour to favour the creation, transmission of knowledge and the development of artistic and literary works  -  Lieu MSH Lorraine – METZ 

(_) November 2019 Colour: Relevance of usage and habits in stylistic devices and other productions in the translation if religious and educational documents – MSH Lorraine – Nancy

And wish to be informed or solicited to participate.


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